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Seven taxes on investments you need to know about

Seven taxes on investments you need to know about

Make the most out of your investments by understanding how taxes affect them. Learn more in this article and reach out to me if you'd like to discuss your portfolio.
Qu’est-ce que l’inflation et comment s’en protéger?

Qu’est-ce que l’inflation et comment s’en protéger?

L’inflation et le coût de la vie augmentent rapidement. Qu’est-ce que cela signifie? Quelle incidence auront-ils sur vos objectifs d’épargne-retraite?
Calculateur d'épargne-retraite

Calculateur d'épargne-retraite

La Sun Life peut vous aider à constituer et à protéger votre épargne en vous offrant des produits de placement, d'assurance-vie et d'assurance-santé, et des...
Retirement savings calculator

Retirement savings calculator

Sun Life can help you build and protect your savings with investment products, life insurance, health insurance, and financial advice.
Net worth calculator

Net worth calculator

What’s your net worth? It’s the total value of everything you own, minus your liabilities (debts). Use this net worth calculator to see how your net worth...
Critical illness insurance calculator

Critical illness insurance calculator

Sun Life can help you build and protect your savings with investment products, life insurance, health insurance, and financial advice.
Comment conserver une plus grande partie de votre revenu de retraite et payer moins d’impôt

Comment conserver une plus grande partie de votre revenu de retraite et payer moins d’impôt

Vous voulez transformer vos épargnes en un revenu de retraite le plus élevé que possible ? Essayez d'envisager vos revenus de retraite sous un angle fiscal.
How to keep more of your retirement income and pay less tax

How to keep more of your retirement income and pay less tax

Want to turn your savings into as much retirement income as you can? Try looking at your retirement income through a tax lens.
What economists expect from the next Bank of Canada rate decision  - BNN Bloomberg

What economists expect from the next Bank of Canada rate decision - BNN Bloomberg

The Bank of Canada will announce its next rate decision on Jan. 24. Economists tracked by Bloomberg expect the central bank will keep its policy rate at five per cent, even after an unexpected increase in December inflation.
Do you need life insurance if you’re wealthy?

Do you need life insurance if you’re wealthy?

Do you have a high-net worth? Find out how you can use life insurance to help grow and protect your finances....
Dollar-cost averaging: Making investing automatic

Dollar-cost averaging: Making investing automatic

Dollar-cost averaging has 2 advantages: It turns saving into a habit and it keeps you from trying to time the market.
Health insurance in retirement: How to pay for your health costs

Health insurance in retirement: How to pay for your health costs

Don't let health care costs change your retirement plans. Here's how you can plan for health insurance in retirement. Visit to learn more.
Assurance-santé à la retraite : comment payer vos frais médicaux?

Assurance-santé à la retraite : comment payer vos frais médicaux?

Ne laissez pas les frais médicaux changer vos plans de retraite. Voici comment planifier votre assurance-santé à la retraite. Visitez pour en savoir...
Inflation: What it means and how to protect yourself

Inflation: What it means and how to protect yourself

Inflation is rising in Canada. What does this mean? And how will it impact your savings and retirement? Learn more in this article....
REER: les 5 erreurs les plus courantes et comment les éviter | Sun Life Canada

REER: les 5 erreurs les plus courantes et comment les éviter | Sun Life Canada

Prêts pour la saison des REER? Voici quelques conseils d'expert pour savoir quoi ne pas faire avec vos REER.
How to make your money last for generations

How to make your money last for generations

If you want your money to last for generations, you need to plan carefully. Keep your assets growing and protected from taxes, inflation and potential estate problems. Contact my office to discuss further.
Personne assise à un bureau et travaillant sur un ordinateur portable

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